
Gratitude List For The Second Week In May

This week has been an experience, both good and bad. Still, like all weeks, there are things to be grateful for.

1. My parents are doing okay.

2. I’ve had a few nights of really good sleep.

3. I rediscovered one of my favorite albums by a local band. (In case you’re curious, it’s the Edinboro band “Strangers and Liars.” I hope they go national and get the recognition they deserve.

4. There’s a baby bunny that comes to visit at least once a day.

5. I’m happy that I can breathe.

6. I’m glad I have people whom I can count on.

7. The CBS show “Beyond the Edge” had its season finale. It was awesome.

8. I’ve started to notice and admire song lyrics. They’re all poetry, and this week I’ve really noticed how good they are.

9. I went to a play, “Tony and Tina’s Wedding.” It’s a Broadway play that has made it all the way to Erie. It was so much fun.

10. My best friend mowed the lawn.

11. I got black mulch and put it on my flower beds. I got it all done.

12. I have a fridge full of food.

13. I got to go with my best friend to a banquet. It was really nice to have him bring me along instead of me taking him to so many events.

14. I got to walk back in time, to see a place just like one from my childhood, here in my current city.

15. I am grateful to all of you who read this list. It is my honor that you would take time to read this.


Gratitude List For The Third Week In November

  1. I had a wonderful talk with a great woman.
  2. I had a busy yet restful week.
  3. I watched a DVD movie “The Lunchbox.” It’s very good; I highly recommend it. Don’t let the subtitles scare you away from this wonderful movie.
  4. I saw the wild bunny who lives in my back yard – twice, actually.
  5. I had my furnace serviced, and the technician was able to come one day early.

I’m running off to an appointment now, so that’s why my gratitude list is brief today.


Gratitude List for the Second Week of June

As always, I am thankful for clean water to drink, food to eat, and a roof over my head. Here is my gratitude list:

  1. My Dad, Mom and brother all came up to Erie to celebrate Father’s Day (a week early) with me. This is the first time we’ve all been together in Erie PA.
  2. I checked out a wonderful used book sale which benefits our local library.
  3. I had a rough start for a couple of days, but it all turned out fine.
  4. I discovered that my local next-door grocery store sells amazing veggie burgers and sausages. Delicious!
  5. I got to see the bunny that lives in our yard, close-up on two different days. Cute!
How to be Mellow

Notice The Little Things

There are interesting things all over. In fact, there are little pick-me-ups every place you look. Be sure to really look around and notice things. You may be surprised at what you might find.

This display was at my local grocery store. I have no idea if it was thought up by a local worker or designed by someone at corporate hq, but once I noticed this bunny, it just made my whole night better.